Psychological & Diagnostic

Assessment Services

What is a psychological evaluation or diagnostic assessment?

Individuals can be self-referred or referred for a doctor or other healthcare provider for a psychological evaluation or diagnostic assessment. A psychological evaluation focuses on providing information about an individual’s personal strengths and weaknesses, interpersonal approach, and the presence (or absence) of a psychological diagnosis/diagnoses. The findings from a psychological evaluation are integrated into a report and treatment recommendations are made based on the findings.

A psychological evaluation consists of three appointments:

  • The first appointment is a 1-hour intake interview. I will gather information from you about your concerns and learn more about your background (educational history, job history, medical history, etc.).
  • The second appointment is a 2-3 hour appointment where we complete psychological and personality assessment. We will complete a structured clinical interview and you will also complete detailed assessments of current and past psychological functioning.
  • The third appointment is the feedback session. This session is dedicated to talking about the results of the testing and what they actually mean. We will also discuss recommendations and “next steps.” A comprehensive report is written by Dr. Lumpkin and can be sent to a referring/treating provider and a report is provided to you for your own records.